01 March 2008

who should work for the milk company?

Damian is considering switching jobs and working for a local milk company. When he saw his uniform, it made his decision that much harder --it's so milky chic! What do you think?? Should he continue at the job he has now:
OR... should he work for the milk company?
Shelby is obviously too cool for the milk industry:
Raylee already has a life dream of working at a grocery store check out line, so she's declined the uniform (too bad, Ray, it looks good on you!):
Noel was shocked to be offered this job at such a young age:
Samson is all for it, except he'd need a bigger, total body hair net:
And Maddie wanted nothing to do with the ensemble --she ran away from the uniform screaming.
I tried it on but it looked way too awful on me (I deleted the pic immediately) so I'm out of the question. Damian has the beginning of next week to decide what he'll do so I'll keep you posted!


steph said...

You guys are so funny! I love the hair nets.

Christy said...

so what's the verdict?