19 July 2010

independence day, 2010

Here are some pictures from the 4th of July. Noel was super excited to watch things blow up.
Miss Raylee, watching from the curb.

Dame is jealous of how awesome John's bandanna is.
So he joined in with his own God-bless-the-USA-stars-and-stripes bandanna. (Now my mom is jealous --see her in the back? I'm sure she wanted to wear one too, but how many stars & stripes bandannas can a family have? Instead, her shirt showed her patriotism.)
Raylee was old enough to learn the proper technique of lighting explosives on fire.
Yes, Maddie is flashing peace signs.
She was copying my brother.
And now Raylee is a roman candle pro. :)

1 comment:

JennaB said...

*sigh* i want a stars and stripes bandana! ;-) as usual, here i am, thousands of miles away, gettin' sad that i missed yet another obviously thrilling holiday w/the family! hmmm... any holidays in sept?