19 May 2010

East Coast trip

Emma and I got back a week ago from our time out on the east coast. Here are some pictures I took while out there before my camera ran out of batteries. Yeah, that's a bad habit of mine.

Here's the story behind our trip: Our original plan was to go out to North Carolina from the 2nd to the 12th of May to help out my sister who was due to give birth to her third son on the 8th. Her husband was scheduled to be deployed in Afghanistan until late summer/early fall. But he got hit by an IED mid-April and was flown to Washington D.C. and hospitalized there. Jenna drove up, pregnant as can be, with her two boys to be with him. So Emma and I flew out early and met up with them in D.C. to help out. When Shane was released to go home for a week, we drove down to North Carolina where they live. While I was there I got to see the girls and also visit a couple old friends. Jenna gave birth to Trayson on the 8th -her due date -so I got to meet him before heading home. And since Shane was back he got to be there for the birth. It was a good trip! Of course I missed Damian and the kids and am very glad to be home with them now. But it was so good to visit Jenna and her family. And I'm glad she didn't go into labor while we were in D.C.!


dirtandrib said...

Why didn't you tell me you were coming?!!?
Would have loved to see you and meet Emma.
Please let me know if you do a trip here again.
She is beautiful.


Beck said...

Melia, sorry I didn't stop by. You guys weren't the only ones I didn't visit even though I had hoped to. I ran out of time that day and thought I'd be returning to New Bern the next weekend to visit some more, but it didn't work out that way. Please forgive me. I didn't tell anyone I was coming and I hope I haven't hurt your feelings.

CLR said...

I love all of the wonderful pictures. I love seeing all of you dear people in the photos at one time.. it brings back sweet memories.

Also, your sister looks just like you! I thought it was a photo of you pregnant with Emma.

dirtandrib said...

You didn't hurt my feelings, dear friend!
I was just giving you a hard time. I should have
reworded my comment. I definitely
know the struggles of visiting when traveling
and your sister and family needed you the most!