12 May 2008

get in the tub and under a blanket?

well forget the "lovely weather" i mentioned a bit ago. we've had some tornadoes in the area! coming from the west coast this is a very traumatic thing for me. earthquakes?? no problemo. i've been known to roller skate during those. but tornadoes?? uh, no thanks. we don't have a basement and our house is a single story so when we're under a tornado warning we're supposed to get in the middle of the house (the master bath as it turns out) and put a blanket over us. hm... dame says that reminds him of his days in the army when they'd have nuclear explosion drills (i forget the official term for it) and were told to curl up in a ball as tight as they can with their helmets directed towards the oncoming explosion. i just don't see how either scenario is going to help much. good thing i can rest assured knowing that my God is in control. because i'm sure a blanket wouldn't be the thing that saves me if disaster strikes.

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