03 November 2009

pictures shmictures

here are some random pictures from this past month. first, damian and me:

and here's my dad with 3 of his 7 and counting (both my sister and i are preggers) grandchildren:

mom & maddie watching cartoons, well at least maddie is:
here i am, waking up & finding maddie fast asleep on me:
damian with the kiddos:
another sleepy picture of the kids:
maddie got up, but noel actually fell asleep right there on the floor:

most of these pictures are of someone asleep or looking like they need a nap! ha. i just noticed that as i wrote the captions. well, i guess that's about right considering that we have so many narcoleptics in the family. :)


CLR said...

Oh Beck, I love that Noel sucks his two fingers. Libby used to do the same thing. So sweet.

Beck said...

ha, he IS sucking his fingers in EVERY pic here. i think it's the sweetest thing too. but i'm glad to hear that libby "used" to do it... sometimes i start to wonder how i'm going to break him from that habit. right now, though, it's still the cutest thing (in my opinion). :)