here's a picture of our little entrepreneurs. raylee asked if she could set up a lemonade stand last week so, after a moment of hesitation (last time the girls did that i ended up doing all the work, so i was having flash-backs of the numerous lemons i squeezed for them to get bored with the idea by the time i had it all set up for them anyway), i remembered that i had some kool-aid brand lemonade packets in the pantry and then agreed to the idea. so there wasn't as much for me to do. they made four dollars. one dollar was the "change money" i put in, which ended up being maddie's share in the profit --raylee kept the rest for herself claiming "i did all the work." ;) they both had a really good time and i enjoyed watching them have so much fun together.
would that be your new house in the background?
sure is. :) i guess i haven't really posted about being out of the apartment, but we are, and it's so wonderful to be in a house instead. we're very blessed. :)
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