Damian's favorite animal is a bee. Yes, a bee. So imagine his delight when one flew in the car and he had to catch and release it. He always does that and never gets stung... so I think bees like him too. Here are a couple pics of him and his fuzzy little friend:
Yikes. That scares the crap out of me. The potty may be Maddie's arch nemesis, but bees are mine.
he should come "catch and release" this bee that stalks me here every year. it's a big, black bumble bee like the one he's got in the pics and it just hovers around me every time i go outside. and whenever i move, he moves and he's alway facing me... staring me down.
oh, and he should come visit us when we have those european hornets around. talk about big bees! they're huge and scary! *shivers* i'm pretty sure even damian would go for the bug spray if he ever met one.
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