Here are some pictures from our picnic up at Cresap Bay. It was one of the first sunny Saturdays of the summer and friends of ours blessed us with a truck to use so we could go do something special as a family. And it was really special! The kids had fun in the water and I, of course, was elated to be up in the mountains. Have I ever mentioned how beautiful it is around here? That is, when the sun comes out from behind the rain clouds.
Here are some pictures of Raylee keeping me company on the shore:

The water was FREEZING! But kids don't care. And Dame said that after a bit, his legs went numb from the cold so he couldn't feel it anymore.

You wouldn't know how cold the water was from watching Maddie playing in it!

Noel wasn't too sure he wanted to go any further in.

Time to eat and warm up a bit. Dame still couldn't feel his legs.

Dame and Ray swam out to the logs! I have lots of fun memories of swimming out to them as a kid with my sister. We'd lay out on them and talk until we would realize that we were completely warm and dry but then we'd have to jump back in to the cold water to get back to shore. So it was fun to see my husband and daughter enjoying them all these years later.

Emma was happy watching everything from the shore.

Dame found a log to play on with the smaller kids.

And then when we were getting ready to leave, my dad showed up with his boat! So that was a wonderful surprise. The kids (and Dame) got to sit in it. :)

My brother, John, was there to be skipper to my dad's captain.

This was the second trial run for my dad's boat, and it was another success!
