She's arrived! And quickly too!
Early Wednesday morning, December 9th, at 4:03 am, our little Emma Grace entered the world weighing 7 lbs, 10 oz, and measuring 20 inches long.
I woke up at 2 am to use the bathroom and thought I felt a little something, but decided that it was nothing and went back to bed. At 2:30 I got back up starting to think that I may be having contractions so I woke up Damian. At 2:45 I concluded that yes, this slight feeling was getting stronger and was perfectly timed about 3 minutes apart... so I called my mom to come over and stay with the kids. She arrived at 3, and we got to the hospital at 3:30. At this point there was no doubt I was in labor and I knew the baby was coming soon. So when I was told that my doctor would arrive in about 15 minutes I wasn't too sure she'd make it in time. Thankfully, the moment after I told the nurses that I HAD to start pushing, my doctor arrived and two contractions later I was holding little Emma.
Here is our first family picture with her that we took on Thursday after we were released from the hospital:

And here I am with her. She's two days old in this picture.
So far that's all the pictures I can post. Noel was kind enough to put my camera's memory card in the wrong slot of the printer so I have to wait until my dad takes apart my printer to get it out. Yep, Noel is quite the tinker. He put a piece of Cinnamon Toast Crunch in my computer's disc drive last month. *sigh*In other news, Damian is on his way to get Shelby and Raylee as I type this. So praise God that He brought Emma early. I've had a whole week to heal and adjust as much as possible before he left. And I really needed a week. This postnatal period has been harder on me both physically and emotionally than my last two pregnancies. But Emma is definitely a reward and blessing from God. She is deeply loved by all of us.