18 May 2008

happy b-day, dame!

dame turned 32 this month! he spent the weekend in las vegas with his dad and brother and had a really good time. when he came home we surprised him (sort of) with a cake. i say sort of because as soon as we picked him up from the airport maddie asked if we could have happy birthday cake now. and yeah, dame figured it out right away.
anyway, raylee decorated it with his favorite undersea friends. she also decorated maddie's cupcake so she wouldn't feel left out. she even put a candle on it for her. here are a couple pics. oh, and the cake was actually a brownie. i'm horrible at making cakes. but dame liked it!

the finger test

maddie is in a new phase. she's getting her finger stuck in everything since she can't resist testing small openings to see if her finger will fit. this time it was in the back of her cement truck. dame came home right as i took this picture and came to her rescue. his reaction: help maddie. my reaction: get the camera! :)

our "toot" turtle friend

we had a little visitor on our door step a couple weeks ago... he made it all the way up to the door mat before he turned around and headed back to the front garden where i took these pics. i really do love turtles. maddie does too. she squealed with delight "he's so cute!" when she saw him. (i'm translating for you. what she actually said was "he so toot!")

15 May 2008

as requested... here's another video of noel. :) this is a few weeks old, though, when he was first catching on to rolling over. he's a pro now. isn't his smile great? he smiles all the time --such a happy baby! :)

12 May 2008

get in the tub and under a blanket?

well forget the "lovely weather" i mentioned a bit ago. we've had some tornadoes in the area! coming from the west coast this is a very traumatic thing for me. earthquakes?? no problemo. i've been known to roller skate during those. but tornadoes?? uh, no thanks. we don't have a basement and our house is a single story so when we're under a tornado warning we're supposed to get in the middle of the house (the master bath as it turns out) and put a blanket over us. hm... dame says that reminds him of his days in the army when they'd have nuclear explosion drills (i forget the official term for it) and were told to curl up in a ball as tight as they can with their helmets directed towards the oncoming explosion. i just don't see how either scenario is going to help much. good thing i can rest assured knowing that my God is in control. because i'm sure a blanket wouldn't be the thing that saves me if disaster strikes.

05 May 2008

video of noel laughing

apparently the lighting isn't so great in this video (ya' can't see a thing) but it's the sound of noel laughing that made me want to post it and share it with you. so, turn on your volume and sorry about the dark picture. if you look closely you might see noel throwing his head back when he laughs. :)