28 February 2008

glamour shots with noel

here are some pics of noel that dame and i took last night. we were trying to get a good one of him smiling since he was in such a good mood, but he kept turning his head to the side when we took the pic. oh well. we still think he's just the cutest...

25 February 2008

a crisp, sunny day

yesterday was beautiful so dame and i went for a walk downtown with the kids. although i was quite disappointed that the coffee house was closed (along with every other shop down there) maddie had fun at the playground. the swings are her favorite.

damian only got to sit for a minute before maddie had him push her in the swing instead of me.
apparently she prefers his method over mine.
i'm just not exciting enough. damian has her well trained in that she likes everything "to the extreme!" she's a lot like him in that way.

noel is more my style. he and i enjoyed watching the crazies play while we relaxed.

gravity is working overtime around here

last week i was sitting at the computer during nap time (my usual spot) when i heard the sound of splitting wood and something large hitting the ground. it was really windy out side (we were actually under a tornado warning) and i saw a huge branch (as long as our car) lying about 15 feet from the house. the next day dame and i went outside and took a good look at all the tall trees surrounding our house. we were glad that nothing worse happened. so that was roughly a week ago...

fast forward to last friday morning. after damian left for work around 6 am, i was startled out of my sleep by the sound of splitting wood (once again) and a large thud. it wasn't windy that morning at all; it had only been raining, but something made this branch fall from one of the trees in the backyard. this was one of the many "suspicious" branches that dame and i looked at after the first incident. once again, we were glad that nothing worse happened. maybe God is trying to tell us something, you think? now all these tall trees are making me nervous!

19 February 2008

chuck-e-cheese video

maddie loved going to chuck-e-cheese when we visited washington a couple weeks ago. here she is on the merry-go-round. she probably used about $10 worth of tokens riding this over and over and over and over...

anyway, i wanted to see if i could upload videos on here so we'll see how this works!

now that it's warming up...

...the spiders are back... just shoot me now.

this guy is hanging out above my front door.

time to call terminix!

getting started

hello! beckie here... so i've been thinking about starting a blog for the ol' friends and fam to keep up with us while we are living out here in the boon-hickeys. now my thoughts have become a reality... exciting, no? anyway, have fun reading, and to everyone back home --we miss you!